October 3, 2022

City of Dexter Planning Commission

Public Hearing and Meeting

Monday, October 3, 2022 @ 7 p.m.

7610 Ann Arbor Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom

St. Andrew’s Church Fellowship Hall

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Dial In 877 853 5247 OR 888 788 0099 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 876 0141 4840


Meeting Agenda: https://cms9files1.revize.com/cityofdextermi/Boards_Commissions/Planning_Commission/2022/Agendas/2021-10-03.pc.agenda.pdf

Meeting Packet: https://cms9files1.revize.com/cityofdextermi/Boards_Commissions/Planning_Commission/2022/Packets/2022-10-03.pc.packet.pdf

Draft Revised City of Dexter Zoning Ordinance:


There are two public hearings:

Public Hearing(s): Rules of Procedure for Public Hearings and Business Items:

  1. Chair introduces case.

  2. Staff and consultant report and comments.

  3. Applicant presentation. Maximum 20 minutes allowed. All visual material presented must be projected to allow simultaneous viewing by Commission and audience.

  4. Chair opens public hearing and invites public to provide comments. All public commentators must state their name and address for the record. Chair reserves the right to limit individual commentators to 5 minutes, if necessary to ensure all commentators wishing to speak have an opportunity.

  5. Applicant response opportunity. Maximum of 5 minutes allowed.

  6. Planning Commission discussion and action.

Public Hearing #1: Highline Spirits and Tasting Room

Public hearing to consider an Application for Special Land Use, for a tasting room for spirits produced off-site. The applicant is Yellowstone Architecture & Construction. The property owner is Maser Dexter, LLC. Christina Lower is the CEO and Founder of the Highline Spirits Company. Ms. Lower proposes a craft cocktail lounge & tasting room use, along with an outdoor service area at 3126 Broad St, Suite 102 (08-08-06- 210-011). The distillation of the spirits and all food preparation will occur off-site. The subject site is zoned CBD, Central Business District. In the CBD, Bars/Taverns/Lounges are special land uses. An outdoor service area is a principal permitted use in the CBD, and subject to administrative review and approval, in accordance with Section 3.31 of the Zoning Ordinance. Discussion and possible action to recommend adoption to City Council, following the public hearing.

Section 8.02 sets forth the process and procedures for considering an application for special land use approval. The Planning Commission is required to conduct a public hearing (Section 8.02.B). At the public hearing, the Planning Commission must review the application in accordance with Section 8.03, Standards for Special Land Uses and any specific standards in Section 8.11, Special Land Use Specific Requirements, before taking action to postpone for more information, or recommending of approval, denial or approval with conditions to City Council. City Council is responsible for taking final action to approve, deny, or approve with conditions. In this case, there are no specific standards to consider.

Public Hearing #2: Zoning Ordinance Update

Public hearing to consider an update and reformat of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances for the City of Dexter. The proposed Zoning Ordinance establishes form-based zoning districts, creates new definitions, updates current zoning districts and creates new zoning districts. The update will also establish new regulations for landscaping,
signs, and parking; permitted and special land uses; and will revises the City’s zoning map to match the new ordinance text. The Subdivision Control Ordinance sets forth the procedures and requirements for platting of subdivisions in accordance with PA 288 of 1967 (The Subdivision Control Act), as amended. The changes to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance will implement land development goals established in the Master Plan, which was adopted in 2019. Discussion and possible action to recommend adoption to City Council, following the public hearing.

In addition to the publication of the required public hearing notice, over 700 letters were mailed out to residents, property owners, and business owners whose zoning is proposed to change. The letters explained how the proposed ordinance might affect their homes, property or business and contained links to the city’s website where more detailed information was available. Additionally, a series of one-on-one meetings with were offered to residents, property owners, and business owners, in order to answer
their questions regarding changes to the Ordinances. Following the public hearing and a thorough evaluation of the proposed Update to the Zoning Ordinance, the Planning Commission makes a recommendation to City Council, and City Council takes final action to adopt the new Ordinance.

For additional details, see here: https://dextermi.gov/government/boards_and_commissions/zoupdate.php


October 10, 2022


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