November 14, 2022

City of Dexter City Council Meeting

Monday, November 14, 2022 @ 7 p.m.

3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom

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Meeting ID: 886 6221 9627#


Meeting Agenda:

Meeting Packet:

Please note the change in meeting location above. We are back in the newly renovated City Hall space at 3515 Broad Street.

As always, there are two opportunities for non-arranged public participation: one near the beginning of the meeting and one near the end of the meeting. See the agenda for details. Just state your name and address and then share your thoughts–it’s that easy!

Council will review (1) minutes of its most recent meeting(s) and (2) the upcoming meeting list. We will also hear various updates from staff, including the City Manager and the Mayor (note that corresponding written reports are included in the meeting packet). 

Staff updates that might be of interest:                       

  • 3045 Broad St Update. Following the approval and execution of the 3045 Broad Street Redevelopment Pre-Development Agreement with Common Sail Development Group, city administration and staff meet with the developer to discuss next steps in the Option Period process. During a meeting with the 3045 Broad Street Redevelopment Committee, Commons Sail presented a revised concept. A subsequent meeting of just the 3045 Broad Street Committee occurred on November 4th, for the purpose of reviewing, discussing and coming to a consensus on the 2-3 things the committee likes and dislikes about the revised concept plan. It benefits the City and Common Sail for the Committee to be on the same page, as we move through this process. Accompanying this report is the initial concept plan and the revised parking plan. See the packet (pp. 23-38) for additional renderings.                                       

  • (Unofficial) Election Results. The City of Dexter hosted a General Election on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. On Election Day, elections staff processed 2,762 voters (of 3,662 registered, 75.4%). Approximately half of votes cast on Election Day were absentee ballots (1,482). Overall, the day went relatively smooth for elections staff. Precincts were closed and reported to Washtenaw County prior to 9:00pm, and hard-copy results were delivered to the County by 10:30pm.

    • The City’s Charter Amendment proposal to permit the sale of equipment passed 1808 to 614 (74.65% yes). Once the election is certified, staff will work to submit the necessary paperwork to the State of Michigan to codify the Charter Amendment.

    • Staff would like to thank those that offered their time to work the election, including election inspectors, the absentee counting board, and the Election Commission (Donna Fisher and Ray Tell).

    • (my words) You can view the county’s unofficial election results here:

  • Luminary. Staff is working with the luminary team to open fundraising for the 2022 luminaria. This program allows for the placement of lighted bags along roadways the
    evening of December 24th.

  • David Zinn Mural. During the November 2, 2022 meeting, the Arts, Culture, and Heritage Committee voted to recommend to City Council the installation of a David Zinn mural at the gazebo in Monument Park. This recommendation will be brought to City Council for consideration at an upcoming meeting.

  • Parks Accessibility Audit. Staff has received a first draft of the Parks Accessibility Audit from OHM Advisors. Staff has asked OHM to present this document to the Parks and Recreation Commission at the November 15th meeting for feedback.

Following the presentation and any discussion of these reports, Council will consider the following items as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless Council votes to do otherwise, these items are voted on as a single bundle without Council discussion.               

  1. Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $823,185.65

  2. FY 2022-23 WAVE Contracts

    1. From City Manager Justin Breyer: Provided for City Council’s consideration are the City’s annual contracts with the Western Washtenaw Area Value Express (WAVE) for both Door-to-Door ($34,250) and Inter-Urban Express Connector ($34,250) Bus services. The current proposed contract runs through June 30, 2023. The contract amounts are set to remain the same as last fiscal year. These contracts are typically approved by Council in June/July, but there was some miscommunication between myself and the WAVE Director in preparing these documents, but not payments have been made to WAVE in the current fiscal year.

  3. Resolution to Establish Fund 596 – Rubbish Collection Fund

    1. From Treasurer/Finance Director/Assessor Marie Sherry: In November 2020, the Michigan Department of Treasury released its final revision of the Uniform Chart of Accounts. All units of local government in Michigan are required to have a chart of accounts that complies with the Uniform Chart of Accounts. A majority of the changes can be done by staff, and are little more than a change in the number. Two changes, however, do require Council action. Solid waste activities will need to be moved to enterprise fund 596 and equipment replacement to internal service fund 661. Both enterprise and internal service funds need to be established by City Council resolution.

  4. Resolution to Establish Fund 661 – Motor Pool Fund

    1. See 3. above.

  5. Allocation of Public Safety Facilities Interest on $1,000,000

    1. From Treasurer/Finance Director/Assessor Marie Sherry: At the October 24th City Council meeting, we discussed whether or not to accrue investment interest into the funds committed for public safety improvements. If Council would like to do so, please adopt the following motion: Move to accrue monthly investment income on a proportional basis into the Committed for Public Safety Improvements Fund Balance.

  6. Continuation of Social District from December 1st to April 30th

    1. With the use of on-street public parking spaces for outdoor service operations expiring on November 30th, staff respectfully request the social district be operational December 1st through April 30th, each year. Council will recall the Downtown Dexter Social District was established to help food and beverage service businesses navigate the economic uncertainties resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic. While that was the initial intent, the Social District has become a useful tool to bring visitor to the Downtown, especially during winter events.

Council will consider (i.e., take formal action on; “C”) or discuss (i.e., take no formal action on; “D”) the following business:     

  • Funding Sources and Grants for Public Safety Facilities (D)

    • Council Member Michels requested that an item be placed on the November 14, 2022 agenda relating to funding sources and grants for the City’s public safety facilities project.

    • Staff is unaware of any current grant programs applicable to the construction or rehabilitation of public safety facilities. However, if anyone is aware of any possible grant opportunities that may be applicable to any City project (including the public safety facilities project), staff is more than happy to pursue them. Earlier in the year, staff reached-out to Representative Debbie Dingell’s office regarding possible federal funding sources for the Mill Creek Park playground renovation project. At the time, Congresswoman Dingell did not represent the City and instructed staff to connect with Representative Walberg’s office. With Congresswoman Dingell’s (unofficial) election to the newly redistricted congressional seat representing the City of Dexter, staff will be happy to reengage with her office on possible federal funding opportunities.


November 28, 2022


October 24, 2022