February 27, 2023

City of Dexter City Council Meeting

and Public Hearing

Monday, February 27, 2023 at 7 p.m.

3515 Broad Street, Dexter, MI 48130 and via Zoom

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Meeting ID: 881 4138 1694#

Meeting Agenda: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2023/Agendas/2023-02-27-CC-A.pdf

Meeting Packet: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2023/Packets/2023-02-27-CC-P.pdf

Public Hearing Notice (Updates to the Subdivisions Ordinance): https://files.dextermi.gov/PHN.CC.lsubdivisionord%20amendment%20to%20gc.pdf

City of Dexter Subdivisions Ordinance: https://files.dextermi.gov/City_Council/2023/Packets/2023-02-27-DRAFTInDesignSubdivisionOrdinance.pdf

PUBLIC HEARING: Updates to the Subdivisions Ordinance

City Council is scheduled to hold a public hearing for the purpose of considering Updates to the Subdivision Ordinance. The Subdivision Ordinance is part of the General Code of Ordinances for the City of Dexter (Chapter 20, Article 2 of the General Code, Divisions 1-7) and sets forth the procedures and requirements for platting of subdivisions, in accordance with PA 288 of 1967 (the Subdivision Control Act), as amended. Public comment may be provided during the meeting, either in-person or virtually, or submitted in writing at city offices, located at 8123 Main Street, 2nd Floor, weekdays between 9:00 am to 5:00 pm or emailed to the Office of Community Development maniol@dextermi.gov. All comments must be received no later than close of business the day of the meeting. A sign language interpreter, or other assistance, may be provided upon request to the City Manager jbreyer@dextermi.gov, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.

Updates to the Subdivision Ordinance include street design and layout, landscaping and property line for future residential, commercial, and industrial subdivisions. It also proposes reviewing options for new developments, with multiple buildings on large parcels, which are only likely to apply, if the City boundaries expand, by annexation. The City’s commitment to Complete Streets has been incorporated into the document, as well. See the packet beginning on page 11 for a detailed memo and presentation from the City’s planning consultant.

On October 3, 2022 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider updates to the City of Dexter Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. Since the Subdivision Ordinance is part of the General Code of Ordinances for the City of Dexter, City Council must also hold a public hearing, pursuant to the City Charter, before taking action on the Planning Commission’s recommendation. Council has discussed the recommended Subdivision Ordinance Updates at two of its previous meetings, October 10, 2022 and November 28, 2022. Members voiced concerns regarding cul-de-sac streets length, mid-block crossings, lot depth, minimum lot width and area in commercial/industrial districts, and tree lawn width. The attached CWA memo outlines proposed changes to the Subdivision Ordinance for your consideration. Concerns regarding radii at intersections, drainage swales and ditches, and a reference to National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) Standards will be addressed by the City Engineer at public hearing and provided in writing in the meeting packet supplement.

As always, there are two opportunities for non-arranged public participation: one near the beginning of the meeting and one near the end of the meeting. See the agenda for details. Just state your name and address and then share your thoughts–it’s that easy!

Council will review (1) minutes of its most recent meeting(s) and (2) the upcoming meeting list. We will also hear various updates from staff, including the City Manager and the Mayor (note that corresponding written reports are included in the meeting packet). 

Staff updates that might be of interest:                       

  • SEMCOG – Then and Now. SEMCOG has created a tool that allows users (members of the public) to view and compare community GIS aerials from 1950 to today. This tool can be found on the SEMCOG website at: https://maps.semcog.org/thennow.

  • Easter Eggstravaganza. The Parks & Recreation Commission would like to formally invite members of City Council to attend the Easter Eggstravaganza (EE), whether as participants or volunteers. The Easter Egg Scramble portion of the EE will take place the morning of Saturday, April 8th at 9:00am.

Following the presentation and any discussion of these reports, Council will consider the following items as part of the Consent Agenda. Unless Council votes to do otherwise, these items are voted on as a single bundle without Council discussion.               

  • Bills & Payroll in the amount of: $313,316.56

  • Proposal from J.K. for Huron Lift Station Pump Base in an Amount not to Exceed $7,242.46

    • Staff has received a quote from J.K. of Michigan to replace the base of one of the two pumps housed at the Huron Lift Station. Since the base is cracked, the pump cannot properly seal, which has led to the station only operating on one of its two pumps. Staff had tried replacing the gasket in- house, but unfortunately it was not sufficient to get the pump back into operation. The Huron Lift Station is utilized for the businesses located on Huron River Drive and Joy Road. There is some urgency in returning the pump to operation, so that there is redundancy in preventing sewer backups in that line.

  • Closure of Central St. on May 20, 2023 for Garden Club Plant Sale

    • A road closure permit request has been submitted by the Dexter Garden Club for the Dexter Garden Club Plant Sale. The event is to be held on May 20th, going from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. The proposed closure would be Central Street between Fifth and Main Street between 6:00 am to 4:00 pm to allow for the unloading and loading of plants and materials before and after the event.

Council will consider (i.e., take formal action on; “C”) or discuss (i.e., take no formal action on; “D”) the following business:     

  • City Council Rules (C)

    • Council Member Michels requested that an item be added to the February 27, 2023 agenda regarding City Council Rules. Council Member Michels provided a further updated version of his Council Rules document for inclusion with the agenda packet.

  • Motion Regarding Designation of 8140 Main St. as the Continuing Site for City of Dexter Fire Station (C)

    • At the February 13, 2023 City Council meeting, the following motion was made: Motion by Semifero; support Hubbard that City Council designates the current fire station location at 8140 Main St as the continuing site of the fire station in the City of Dexter and directs staff and consultants to proceed with the renovation and enhancement of the current station at 8140 Main St."

    • City Council then voted to postpone this motion to the February 27, 2023 meeting. As a postponed motion, the item is still “active” and awaiting a vote. Council Member Semifero submitted a follow-up e-mail to his motion, indicating that he intends to make a motion to amend the original motion. A copy of Council Member Semifero’s e-mail is attached to this memo.

    • From Council Member Joe Semifero: I am planning to offer an amendment to the motion I made at the February 13, 2023, Council meeting, to make the language more consistent with the wording of the resolution approving the ballot language at the August 8, 2022, Council meeting. The amended motion proposed is:

      • "Move that City Council designates the current fire station location at 8140 Main St as the continuing site of the fire station in the City of Dexter and directs staff and consultants to proceed with the design, renovation, replacement, and/or construction of a public safety facility at 8140 Main St."

  • Resolution to Continue to Provide Appropriate Space for Dexter Area Fire Department (C)

    • Council Member Michels requested that the attached resolution be included as a part of the February 27, 2023 City Council agenda as a consideration item. See beginning page 108 of the packet for the entire resolution. Here are some excerpts:

      • WHEREAS, the Interlocal Agreement required the main station of the Dexter Area Fire Department to be located within the village (now city) limits;

      • WHEREAS, providing adequate space for fire station operations within the City is essential to providing a speedy response to the residents and businesses within the City;

      • WHEREAS, closure of the current fire station would mean the closest fire facility within the Dexter Area Fire Department would be roughly 5.1 miles, or roughly 8 minutes, from the current City fire station;

      • WHEREAS, any blockage of the railroad bridge would significantly increase response time to the City from the Dexter Area Fire Department fire station in Dexter Township;

      • WHEREAS, any delay in emergency response within the City due to the lack of a fire station facility within the City would create a negative impact for the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Dexter;

      • WHEREAS, the lack of a main station within the City’s boundaries would be inconsistent with the terms of the Interlocal Agreement;

      • NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Dexter, by adoption of this Resolution by its City Council, affirms that it will at all times make available a space for the Dexter Area Fire Department to use as the main station within the City;

      • BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the space available for the Dexter Area Fire Department shall provide adequate office space for the Department, adequate space for equipment staged at the Main Station, adequate decontamination facilities, and adequate living space for fire fighters;

  • Resolution Authorizing Issuance of 2023 Unlimited Tax General Obligation Bonds (C)

    • Following the February 13, 2023 City Council meeting, staff contacted the City’s bond counsel at Baker Tilly and Miller Canfield to prepare a bond authorizing resolution related to public safety facilities.

    • Per Tom Colis with Miller Canfield, the resolution includes the following, among other things:

      • 1. Authorizes the issuance of a series of bonds in the maximum amount of $8,420,000 to finance the cost of public safety facilities;

      • 2. Establishes a debt retirement fund and construction fund for the bonds;

      • 3. Pledges the City’s unlimited tax full faith and credit to support the bonds;

      • 4. Provides the form of bonds;

      • 5. Provides that the bonds will be sold pursuant to a competitive sale and provides the form of official notice of sale;

      • 6. Delegates to the Mayor, City Manager/Clerk and Treasurer/Finance Director the authority to award the bonds to the bidder whose bid produces the lowest true interest cost pursuant to the parameters established in the resolution;

      • 7. Authorizes certain officials to prepare documentation in connection with the sale of the bonds and to obtain a rating on the bonds;

      • 8. Provides that the City will take all actions to comply with the federal tax rules and designates the bonds as “qualified tax-exempt obligations”;

      • 9. States the City’s agreement to update certain information set forth in the offering document annually; and

      • 10. Provides for calling the bonds in 2032.

    • The Bond Authorizing Resolution does not require the inclusion of the project’s address. However, in order to satisfy the tax requirements associated with the bonding process, the City needs to reasonably expect to spend at least 85% of the proceeds within 3 years of the date of issuance and enter into a binding commitment within six months of the bond issuance to spend at least 5% of the proceeds of the bonds. Having a greater certainty as to the location and cost of the project will allow the City to support the reasonable expectation test.

    • In addition to the Bond Authorizing Resolution, the following documents are included in the packet:

      • Bond specifications from Baker Tilly and Miller Canfield

      • Debt service schedule

      • Bond issuance timeline

      • Estimated millage impact analysis from bond based on 1.75% property tax growth


    • A Closed Session opportunity is provided for City Council to meet with City Attorney Scott Munzel.


Bait and Switch?


February 13, 2023